Advent-Preparing Our Hearts For Christ’s Return By Serving The Poor


In view of Christ’s coming in Bethlehem and his coming at the end of history, we should prepare our hearts and commit ourselves to help the poor. 

Those who, in the Biblical phrase, would save their lives – that is, those who want to get along, who don’t want commitments, who don’t want to get into problems, who want to stay outside of a situation that demands the involvement of all of us – they will lose their lives.   What a terrible thing, to have lived quite comfortably, with no suffering, not getting involved in problems, quite tranquil, quite settled, with good connections politically, economically, socially, lacking nothing, having everything.  To what good?  They will lose their lives.  “But those, who for love of me, uproot themselves and accompany the people and go with the poor in their suffering and become incarnated and feel as their own the pain, the abuse – they will secure their lives, because my Father will reward them.”Oscar Romero  

Lord guide me in the path of righteousness.  Teach me justice,give me a heart for the poor, save the children of the needy,and break the back of the oppressor.  adapted from Psalm 72:1-4

Advent: He Will Come And Save You


Be strong, do not fear!
Here is your God.
He will come…
He will come and save you!—Isaiah 35:4 

Lord, help me to prepare for the coming of your Son.  May he find me waiting and watching in joyful anticipation.Through Christ, I pray.—Robert Webber  

Lord Jesus Christ, as I await your coming show me your ways,Teach me your paths.  For you are the God of my salvation.On you I wait all the day.—adapted from Psalm 25:4-5